Al Qotob - Introduction

We are very pleased to introduce to you Al Qotob Projects Support which has been successfully established since 2007 and have been mainly involved in various projects such as deep excavations, backfilling, grading platforms preparation and various infrastructure projects.

Therefore we are pleased to submit company documentation for your reference to show clearly our company’s position in the Qatari market. In the view of the economic boom that has taken place in Doha over the recent years we have made the strategic decision to increase the potential power of the company including machinery and hardware equipment.

During the past 3 years, we have been able to complete our contracts on schedule and achieved the satisfaction of our clients , and enjoys a good reputation in the local market .


We are dedicated to our business committed towards
our staff and to our clients.

We intend to grow and maintain a solid relationship
with our clients.

We hope you will be in a position to consider our profile
submittal, and to include us to your contractors list for
future projects invitation .






Ongoing Projects

March 20, 2009 Neque porro quisquam est qui dol orem
Pellentesque tincidunt augue quis Rtf uuisque dapibus facilisis…+
March 20, 2009 Neque porro quisquam est qui dolor em
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March 20, 2009 Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem
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Personal & Professional Statement

Our experience in the industry ensures that we understand your business needs and requirements and are able to meet them throughout integrated execution of the work.